Lloyd Chris 1954 : Clinical management in mental health services [electronic resource] / edited by Chris Lloyd ... [et al.].
Lloyd Christine M : Linking children's learning with professional learning : impact, evidence and inclusive practice / Jeanne K. Keay, Christine M. Lloyd.
Lloyd David 16315 1692 : Fair warnings to a careless world / in the pious letter written by the Right Honourable James Earl of Marleburgh, a little before his death, to the Right Honourable Sir Hugh Pollard, comptroller of his Maties houshold. With the last words of CXL and upwards, of the most learned and honourable persons of England, and other parts of the world.
Lloyd Evan Sir Approximately 1654 1700 : Sir Evan Lloyd baronet, and Dame Mary his wife, Sydney Godolphin Esquire, and Susan his wife [brace] appellants : Sir Richard Carew baronet, an infant, the son and heir of Sir John Carew baronet, deceas'd [brace] respondent : the respondent, Sir Richard Carew's case.
Lloyd Evans Active 1576 1585 : An almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord M.D.LXXXII : wherein is declared the disposition of the ayre and weather with other ... accidentes that are lyke to happen in :he [sic] sayd yeare : supputated specially for the eleuation and meridian of citie [?] of London, but may generally serue for all England / by Evans Lloyd ...
Lloyd F H M : Hurricane : the story of a great fighter.
Lloyd Florence : Find the woman / Charles Klein ; Salomy Jane's first kiss / N. Chance, founded on Bret Hart's "Salomy Jane's kiss".
Lloyd Frances : Educating the sub-normal child : aspects of the work of a junior school for educationally sub-normal children.
Lloyd Francis : A briefe discovery or description of the most famous island of Madagascar or St. Laurence in Asia neare unto East-India : with relation of the healthfulnesse, pleasure, fertility and wealth of that conntrey [sic] ... also the condition of the natives ... also the excellent meanes and accommodation to fit the planters there ... / by R.B. and Francis Lloyd, merchants.