Loveday Thomas : The custom of the mannor of Paynswicke : taken out of the decree in Chancery, and carefully examined for the benfit of the tenants or others that may be concerned. By Thomas Loveday, in the year 1687.
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Lovegrove Austin : The framework of judicial sentencing : a study in legal decision making.
Lovekin Thomas : A true relation of a dangerous plot against the vvell-affected party of the town of Lynn, : discovered by a most worthy and faithfull servant to the Parliament Thomas Lovekin Major of the said town. With the articles agreed on by the Royall party concerning the said plot; wherein they expresse their desires, to restore his Sacreed [sic] Majesty to his Royall throne and dignity. / Sent in a letter from the said Major Lovekin, to his loving friend Captaine Iames Clerke, at his quarters in the Spread-Eagle at Gracious-streete in London.
Lovelace George W : Rapid rural appraisal in northeast Thailand : case studies / edited by George W. Lovelace, Sukaesinee Subhadhira, Suchint Simaraks.