Lysimachus Irenaeus : Bellamius enervatus: or, A full answer to a book entitled A plea for the commonalty of London. : Which is as the authour Mr. Bellamy cals it; a vindication of their rights (which have been long withholden from them) in the choyce of sundry city officers. As also a iustification of the powerent the Court of Common-Counsell in the making of acts, or by-laws, for the good and profit of the citizens, notwithstanding the negative voyces of the Lord Major, and aldermen. / Refuted by Irenæus Lysimachus:.
Lysne Joachim : Financial markets and the global recession / Benjamin Naas and Joachim Lysne, editors.
Lyster Thomas : The blessings of eighty eight, or, A short narrative of the auspicious protection of our reform'd Protestant church under the number of eight : with a brief numerical collection of the most miraculous operations, and mysterious revelations of divine wisdom inserted in sacred wit : together with the most remarkable conquests, judgements, deliverances, mutations, and fatal catastrophe's which have hap'ned in this British Isle since the Creation, and how they fall ... under their digital numbers : with divinve poems and meditations / by Thomas Lyster.
Lytcott George Sir : To my posterity, 1675. (Anno ætatis quadrigesimo secundo.) Not to ... to any bod[y] ... [pub]lickly. I know the booksellers shops abound with numerous volumes upon all subjects, therefore it's vanity in any body in this age to attempt by his writings to treat the world with novelty ...
Lyte Charles : Sir Joseph Banks, 18th century explorer, botanist and entrepreneur.
Lyte Geraldine : Developing nursing practice with children and young people / edited by Jane Hughes and Geraldine Lyte.
Lyte Henry 1573 : The art of tens, or Decimall arithmeticke : Wherein, the art of arithmeticke is taught in a most exact and perfit method, auoyding the intricacie of fractions. Exercised by Henry Lyte Gentleman, and by him set forth for his countries good.
Lythgoe James Sir : Local government finance in relation to local government reform : an address given ... at a meeting of the Southern Boroughs' Association ... Salisbury, on Friday, October 16th, 1953.
Lytle William Haines 1826 1863 : For honor, glory & union : the Mexican and Civil War letters of Brig. Gen. William Haines Lytle / Ruth C. Carter, editor.
Lytle William M : Merchant steam vessels of the United States, 1790-1868 : "the Lytle-Holdcamper list" / initially compiled by William M. Lytle and Forrest R. Holdcamper from official merchant marine documents of the United States and other sources ; revised and edited by C. Bradford Mitchell with the assistance of Kenneth R. Hall.
Lytler Richard : The reformed Presbyterian, humbly offering to the consideration of all pious and peaceable spirits several arguments for obedience to the act for unifromity, as the way to vnity : and endeavouring to demonstrate by clear inferences from the sacred scriptures, the writings of some of the ancients, or several old pastors of the reformed churches abroad, and of the most eminent old non-conformists amongst ourselves : as Mr. Josias Nichols, Mr. Paul Baines, and other learned divines : as for Mr. Perkins, Mr. Iohn Randal, and Mr. Rob. Bolton, that there is nothing required by the act for vniformity that is forbidden by the law of God / by Rich. Lytler ...