Manderville Bernard De : Manderville studies : new explorations in the art and thought of Dr. Bernard Manderville, 1670-1733.
Mandevill Robert 1578 1618 : Timothies taske: or a Christian sea-card : guiding through the coastes of a peaceable conscience to a peace constant, and a crowne immortall. Wherein I. Pastors are put in minde of their double dutie, and how to discharge it. 1. Personall, as watchfull men. 2. Pastorall, as faithfull watchmen. II. True doctrine is advanced. III. Traditions discountenanced, & their rancour discovered. In two synodall assemblies at carliell, out of two seuerall, but sutable scriptures. This of I Timoth. 4.16. and that of Actes 20.28. Since concorporate, and couched with augmentation vnder their prime head: By Robert Mandevill, sometimes of Queenes Colledge in Oxford, and preacher of Gods word at Abbey-holme in Cumberland.
Mandley J G De T : The portmote or court leet records of the Borough or Town and Royal Manor of Salford from the year 1597 to the year 1669 inclusive / edited by J. G. de T. Mandley.
Mandoki Luis 1954 : Voces inocentes [videorecording] / directed by Luis Mandoki.
Mandonnet Pierre : Siger de Brabant et l'averroisme latin au XIIIe siecle : etude critique et documents inedits.
Mandos Hein : De Brabantse spreekwoorden : uitdrukkingen in Brabant gebruikt en opgetekend.
Mandos Van De Pol Miep : De Brabantse spreekwoorden : uitdrukkingen in Brabant gebruikt en opgetekend.
Mandra Anak Agung Gde : Dancers of Bali and Pliatan Gamelan : programme and notes for the 1971 Australian tour.