Manning Owen : Dictionarium saxonico et gothico latinum.
Manning P I : Geology of the Causeway coast / by H. E. Wilson and P. I. Manning.
Manning P M : Environmental impact of marine colliery waste disposal operations on the sea bed off Seaham, County Durham / D.S. Limpenny, S.M. Rowlatt and P.M. Manning.
Manning Peter Active 1621 : An acte to auoyde a decree in Chancery there made, betvveene one Francis Verzelline, sonne and heire of Iacob Verzelline the elder, plaintiffe; : and Peter Manning, Michaell Pallmer, and their wiues, daughters of the sayde Iacob the elder, and others, defendants.
Manning William 1633 1711 : Catholick religion: or, The just test or character of every person that in any nation is accepted with God : discovered, in an explication of the nature of the true fear of God, and working of righteousness, with which the same is connected. In some discourses upon Acts 10. 35, 36. Wherein several important doctrinal truths, more immediately influential upon practise, are plainly opened, and vindicated from their too common misunderstanding. By William Manning.
Manning William 1747 1814 : The key of liberty : the life and democratic writings of William Manning, "a laborer," 1747-1814 / edited and with an introduction by Michael Merrill and Sean Wilentz.
Manning William Ray : Early diplomatic relations between the United States and Mexico.
Manningham John : The diary of John Manningham of the Middle Temple, 1602-1603.