Marshall George Poet : A compendious treatise in metre declaring the firste originall of sacrifice, and of the buylding of aultares and churches, and of the firste receauinge of the Christen fayth here in Englande by G.M.
Marshall Hamlett : A learned and gracious sermon preached at Paules Crosse / by that famous and iudicious diuine, Iohn Spenser ... ; published for the benefite of Christs vineyard, by H.M.
Marshall Harriet : Student handbook for citizenship / Harriet Marshall and Brigitte Mooljee ; cartoons by Steve Clarke.
Marshall Helen R : Relations between home experiences and childrens' use of language in play interactions with peers.
Marshall Henry Active 1656 : The grovnds and cavses of our sufferings related in short: : who suffer by the cruelty of oppressors, in Edmonds-bury Goal in Suffolk.
Marshall Hermine H : Learning about instruction : teacher-initiated verbal directions and eliciting questions : a personal workshop / Lawrence F. Lowery, Hermine H. Marshall.
Marshall Honor : Twilight London : a study in degradation.
Marshall Ingrid : Benefiting business & the environment : case studies of cost savings and new opportunities from environmental initiatives / by Julie Hill, Ingrid Marshall and Catherine Priddey.
Marshall Isabel : Ryme-index to the MS texts of Chaucer's minor poems / by I. Marshall and L. Porter.