Matyska Maria T : Chemically modified surfaces : recent developments / edited by Joseph J. Pesek, Maria T. Matyska, Riad R. Abuelafiya.
Matz Adolph : Cost accounting : management's operational tool for planning,control and analysis.
Matz Edvard : Sällsamheter på Åland : en bok om historiska platser, saga och sägen, märkliga tilldragelser till sjöss och till lands / av Edvard och Erling Matz.
Matzkow Walter : Itala : das Neue Testament in altlateinischer Überlieferung / nach den Handschriften herausgegeben von A. Julicher; durchgesehen und zum Druck besorgt von W. Matzkow und K. Aland.
Matzner Richard A : Classical mechanics / Richard A. Matzner, Lawrence C. Shepley.
Matzner Sebastian : Gender, identity and the body in Greek and Roman sculpture / R.J. Barrow ; prepared for publication by Michael Silk ; with the assistance of Jaś Elsner, Sebastian Matzner and Michael Squire.
Matznetter Josef : Studies in the geography of tourism : papers read and submitted for the working conference of the IGU Working Group, Geography of Tourism and Recreation, Salzburg, 2nd-5th May, 1973 / edited by J. Matznetter.
Maude Alaric : Developing locally : an international comparison of local and regional economic development / edited by Andrew Beer, Graham Haughton and Alaric Maude.