Menken M J J : Numerical literary techniques in John : the fourth evangelist's use of numbers of words and syllables.
Menken Marie 1909 1970 : Treasures IV [videorecording] : American avant garde film, 1947-1986.
Menken Steph : An introduction to interdisciplinary research : theory and practice / edited by Steph Menken, Machiel Keestra ; authors: Lucas Rutting [and five others].
Menkes Vivienne : Paintings from the Muslim courts of India : an exhibition held in the Prints and Drawings Gallery, British Museum, 13 April to 11 July 1976 : [catalogue] / [edited by V. Menkes].
Menna Elfyn 1951 : The Bloodaxe book of modern Welsh poetry : 20th-century Welsh-language poetry in translation / edited by Menna Elfyn & John Rowlands.
Mennell Stephen Writer On French Literature : Lettre d'un patissier anglois, et, autres contributions a une polemique gastronomique du XVIII eme siecle / edition preparee par S. Mennell.
Mennell William : Takeover : the growth of monopoly in Britain, 1951-61.
Mennenga Hans Christian : Präödipale Helden : neuere Männlichkeitsentwürfe im Hollywoodfilm : die Figuren von Michael Douglas und Tom Cruise / Hans-Christian Mennenga.
Mennicken Franz 1875 : Sammelheft. Untersuchungen zur altenglischen Genesisdichtung. / Von Dr. Hans Jovy. Versbau und Sprache in Huchowns Morte Arthure. Von Dr. Franz Mennicken. The author of Ratis Raving. By John T.T. Brown. Zur Berichtigung und Erklärung der Waldhere-Bruchstücke. Von Moritz Trautmann.
Mennin Douglas S : Generalized anxiety disorder : advances in research and practice / edited by Richard G. Heimberg, Cynthia L. Turk, Douglas S. Mennin.
Mennin Stewart : Problem-based learning : case studies, experience and practice / edited by Peter Schwartz, Stewart Mennin and Graham Webb.
Menninga Lubbertus : Medium effects on a C-H bond fission reaction : solvent and salt effects on the solvolysis of arylsulfonylmethyl perchlorates.
Menon Anil Novelist : The best American science fiction and fantasy 2020 / edited and with an introduction by Diana Gabaldon ; John Joseph Adams, series editor.