Michel James : The spovse rejoycing over antichrist, and triumphing over the devill, : in the day of the Lord, when God alone shal bee exalted. Written in the day and yeer, when the world is running besides it self, crying out against truth, in the hearing of truth; this mad world is beside it self, persecuting those which desire not to meddle with the world: I have found it, that the world cannot indure light, my experience makes it manifest. / Written by James Michel, who have been lately accused for blasphemy in the words which is Scripture; they say that this is blasphemy which the Scripture faith, My God, my God is a consuming fire, and everlasting burning: to this I shal rest to the proceeding further in the book.
Michel Jean Pierre Docteur Es Sciences : Dictionary of earth sciences : English-French, French-English = Dictionnaire des sciences de la terre : anglais-français, français-anglais / J.-P. Michel, R.W. Fairbridge.
Michel Marie Albert : Dictionnaire de theologie catholique contenant l'expose des doctrines de la theologie catholique, leurs preuves et leur histoire / commence sous la direction de A. Vacant et E. Mangenot; continue sous celle de E. Amann.
Michel Marius : La Chanson de Roland et la litterature chevaleresque.
Michel Martin C 1959 : Concepts and principles of pharmacology : 100 years of the Handbook of experimental pharmacology / James E. Barrett, Clive P. Page, Martin C. Michel, editors.
Michel Peter : Die hohen Seespiegelschwankungen des Lago Maggiore und ihre Abhangigkeit von den grossen Niederschlagen : Inauguraldissertation.
Michel Peter Active 1648 1650 : A victory obtained by Lieut: Gen: David Lesley, in the north of Scotland, against Colonell Hurrey and his forces; : and the number killed and taken. Also, the declaration and resolution of the inhabitants of York-shire, Cumberland, Sunderland, and the bishoprick of Durham, for the Parliament of England; and the desires of the English army in the north, touching Scotland. Together, with the further proceedings of the Treaty at Breda, the sending of a message to the Emperour of Germany and the Duke of Saxony, by Captain Swan, with an answer thereunto, in relation to the affairs of England.
Michel Pierre : La spectroscopie d'emission et ses applications.
Michel Pierre A : Mandatory financial information and capital market equilibrium in Belgium / Gabriel Hawawini and Pierre Michel.
Michel Ralph 1666 Or 7 1724 : Reasons humbly offered to the Parliament assembled, for building a mould or harbour in Whitsand Bay, at the Lands-End in Cornwal, situate betwixt the North and South Channels: : and also, for erecting a light-house on the Por-de-Nac point, near the said bay. / By Ralph Michell, engineer.
Michel Rene : Verdun : Fleury-devant-Douaumont juillet 1916 : la bataille de la derniere chance allemande.
Michel Suzanne P : Repertoire des ouvrages imprimes en langue italienne au XVIIe siecle conserves dans les bibliotheques de France.
Michel Thomas Active 1647 : The last nevves from the armie: : June the twentieth, 1647. Wherein is set forth, their further resolution and proceedings about Windsor Castle, and their sending of a party of horse and dragoones into Kent. As also, their seizing of the magazine in Oxford, and bringing of it to the army; together with above forty piece of canon. Likewise, the present proceedings of the army about the Golden Butter-firkins taken at Graves-end, and a further discoverie therein.