Mittermaier C J A Carl Joseph Anton 1787 1867 : A history of continental criminal procedure, with special reference to France / by A. Esmein...translated by John Simpson...with an editorial preface by William E. Mikell...and introductions by Norman M. Trenholme...and William Renwick Riddell..
Mitterschiffthaler Karl : Das Notenarchiv der Musiksammlung in Zisterzienserstift Wilhering (Drucke und Handschriften) / herausgegeben von K. Mitterschiffthaler.
Mittler Helle : Working together : guidelines, for partnership between professionals and parents of children and young people with disabilities / Peter Mittler, Helle Mittler, Helen McConachie.
Mitton Maag M L : Lo picaresco en tres relatos de Roberto Jorge Payro.
Mitton Matthew William : The poetic oeuvre of 'Michael Field' : collaboration, aestheticism and desire in the writings of Katharine Harris Bradley (1846-1914) and Edith Emma Cooper (1862-1913).
Mitton Maureen : Interior design visual presentation : a guide to graphics, models and presentation techniques / Maureen Mitton.
Mitton Peter : Edicts upon the ordaining and establishing of a common-place, and jurisdiction, of the priors and consulls of the merchants of the citie of Roan. : Together with the letters, pattents, and declarations of His Maiestie, since that time made with the approbations, and regulating thereupon ensuing in the court of Parliament of the same citie. / Translated out of French into English, for the benefit, and use of merchants. By Peter Mitton.
Mitu Bianca : Contemporary television series : narrative structures and audience perception / edited by Valentina Marinescu, Silvia Branea, Bianca Mitu.
Mitusov Nikolaievich : Le rossignol : conte lyrique en trois acts / de Il Stravinskyet S. Mitousoff; traduction francais de M.D. Calvocoressi.
Miwa Tetsuji : Solitons : differential equations, symmetries and infinite dimensional algebras / T. Miwa, M. Jimbo and E. Date ; translated by Miles Reid.
Mix Katherine Lyon : A study in yellow : the Yellow book and its contributors.