Muraca Giuseppe : Utopisti ed eretici nella letteratura italiana contemporanea : saggi su Silone, Bilenchi, Fortini, Pasolini, Bianciardi, Roversi e Bellocchio.
Muracciole Jean Francois : Les enfants de la défaite : la Résistance, l'éducation et la culture.
Murad Auda : Merantan : outmigration in a matrilineal society of West Sumatra.
Murad I Sultan Of The Turks 1326 1389 : A proud and blasphemous cahllenge [sic] given out in denuntiation of warre, by Amurath the great Turk, against all Christendome : Coming with an army of 1600000. men.
Murad Iv Sultan Of The Turks 1612 1640 : A vaunting, daring, and a menacing letter, sent from Sultan Morat the great Turke, from his court at Constantinople, by his embassadour Gobam, to Vladisllaus King of Poland, &c. Which letter was sent to the Christian King, since the truce concluded betweene the Turke and the Persian in March last; as by many copies whereof, may appeare, as it was sent out of Poland. Wherein he declares himselfe a mortall enemy to the said Christian King, threatning to invade his kingdomes and territories, with all manner of hostility. Whereunto is annexed a briefe relation of the Turkish present strength, both of horse and foote: with al the victories the Turkes have prevailed against the Christians these last three hundred yeares. As also what glorious victories the Christians have wonne against the Turkes, till this present yeare. 1638. Published by authority
Murad Khurram : Muslims in the West : the message and mission.
Muradian Roldan : Governing the provision of ecosystem services / Roldan Muradian, Laura Rival, editors.
Murahwa Grace : Achievability of total quality management goals at societal level : a case for Zimbabwe.
Murai Shinji 1938 : Activation of unreactive bonds and organic synthesis / volume editor, S. Murai ; with contributions by H. Alper ... [et al.].
Muraida Daniel J : Automating instructional design : concepts and issues / editors, J. Michael Spector, Martha C. Polson, Daniel J. Muraida.
Muraille G : Anthologie de la litterature francaise du moyen age, des arigines a la fin du XIIIe siecle.
Muraille Samaran Colette : Le travail au moyen age : une approche interdisciplinaire : actes du Colloque international de Louvain-la Neuve, 21-23 mai 1987 / edites par J. Hamesse et C. Muraille-Samaran.