Ogilvy James A : China's futures : scenarios for the world's fastest growing economy, ecology, and society / James Ogilvy and Peter Schwartz, with Joe Flower.
Ogilvy Michael 1666 : Fratres in Malo, or The matchles couple, : represented in the writings of Mr. Edward Bagshaw, and Mr. Henry Hickman; by way of answer to a scandalous letter, bearing the name of Mr. Bagshaw; and to a slanderous libel, fictitiously subscribed by Theophilus Churchman, but proved to be written by Henry Hickman. To which is added a Latine essay, very briefly and plainly reconciling God's præscience with the free-will of man, which Mr. Bagshaw thought irreconcileable. All in vindication of Dr. Heylin and Mr. Pierce. / By one of the meanest of their admirers M.O. Bachelour of Arts.
Ogilvy Webb Marjorie : The government explains : a study of the information services.
Ogimi Kaoru : Suzuki Harunobu (1725?-1770) / text by Ichitaro Kondo ; translated and adapted by Kaoru Ogimi.
Ogimoto Keiji : Atlas of rumen microbiology / by K. Ogimoto and S. Imai.
Ogino Keizo : Mixed surfactant systems / edited by Keizo Ogino, Masahiko Abe.
Ogiwara Mayumi : Theatre in practice : a student's handbook / Nick O'Brien, Annie Sutton ; illustrations by Mayumi Ogiwara ; photography by Matt Cooper.