Overseas Private Investment Corporation : Multinational corporations and United States foreign policy : Hearings, Ninety-third Congress [Ninety-fourth Congress, second session].
Overstreet William R : Political handbook of the world 2005-2006 / edited by Arthur S. Banks, Thomas C. Muller, William R. Overstreet.
Overton Alice : Casework notebook / by A. Overton, K. H. Tinker and associates.
Overton Benjamin : A dialogue betwixt Whig and Tory, aliàs Williamite and Jacobite : Wherein the principles and practices of each party are fairly and impartially stated; that thereby mistakes and prejudices may be removed from amongst us, and all those who prefer English liberty, and Protestant religion, to French slavery and popery, may be inform'd how to choose fit and proper instruments for our preservation in these times of danger.
Overton Constantine 1687 : The priests wickednesse and cruelty, laid open, and made manifest, / by Priest Smith of Cressedge, persecuting the servants of the Lord, whose outward dwellings is in and about Shrewsbury. As also, the proceedings of Judge Nicholas, and the Court of Justice, so called, against them so persecuted by the priest, at the last generall assizes holden at Bridgenorth for the county of Salop. Together, with some queries, to the priests.
Overton David T : The needs of stakeholders in the formation of a local children's university : an exploration through grounded theory of participant drivers and their underpinning features.
Overton John 1640 1708 : A catalogue of books, pictures, and maps. Neately cut in copper, being very pleasant ornaments for houses, studies and closets, and also extraordinary useful for goldsmiths, iewellers, chafers, gravers, painters, carvers, embroiderers drawers, needle-women, and all handicrafts. All made and sold by John Overton at the White Horse without Newgate. Five hundred new sorts of birds, beasts, fish, flies, wormes, flowers, fruites, figures, histories, landskips, ovals, neately cut in copper, and neatly coloured, for gentlewomens works, and he is a doing more as fast as time will permit.
Overton Mary : To the Right Honourable, the knights, citizens, and burgesses, the Parliament of England, assembled at Westminster, : the humble appeale and petition of Mary Overton, prisoner in Bridewell:.