Pailin David Arthur : The making and remaking of Christian doctrine : essays in honour of Maurice Wiles / edited by Sarah Coakley and David A. Pailin.
Pailing Frank Neville : An evaluation of the effects of falling rolls on primary schools, with special reference to four primary (5 to 9 years) schools in Hull.
Paillard Bernard : La rumeur d'Orléans / édition complétée avec La rumeur d'Amiens ; avec la collaboration de Bernard Paillard ... [et al.].
Paillard Michel : Approche linguistique des problemes de traduction anglais <-> francais / H. Chuquet, M. Paillard.
Paillard Monique : Messages d'outre-tombe du maréchal Pétain : textes officiels, ignorés ou méconnus, consignes secrètes / [textes recherchés, classés et présentés par M. et J. Paillard].
Pain Herbert John : The physics of vibrations and waves / John Pain.
Pain John Shoemaker : A discovery of the priests, that say they are sent off by the Lord, but upon trial are found out of the commands of Christ, the prophets, and Apostles, and to be those that are not sent of the Lord, but to be such that the sent ones of the Lord did cry wo against, : and to be such that are false apostles, deceitful, wicked, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ: and no marvail, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light; therefore it is no great thing, if his ministers be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, ... With a few words to such professors and prophane, that together joyn to persecute the righteous: and to the ranters that do commit all manner of sins with greediness. Darkness denied by the children of Light, and the babe of Christ growing up to a perfect man. / Written from one who is known to the world by the name of John Pain, who accounts it great riches to suffer reproaches, and afflictions with the people of the Lord, who scornfully by the world are called Quakers, ... Written from Starford in Hartford-shire the 7. day of the 4. month. 1655.
Pain Kathy : The polycentric metropolis : learning from mega-city regions in Europe / written and edited by Peter Hall and Kathy Pain.
Pain Roger H : New techniques in biophysics and cell biology.
Pain William Active 1696 : The Christian testimony of some, called Quakers, at Reading, in Barkshire, to some fundamental truths of the Christian religion : Giving an account, first, of twelve weighty queries, proposed to some preachers, and others of the people, called Quakers, at Reading, concerning some essential principles of the Christian faith. Secondly, our plain and positive answer to the said twelve queries, in twelve several positions, according to Scripture. Thirdly, a copy of a paper sent to them.
Paina E S : Krest'ianskoe dvizhenie v Rossii v 1890-1900 gg. / pod red. A.V. Shapkarina; sostaviteli. E.S. Paina i N.I. Pishvanova.