Philipps Owen Sir : Report of the International Shipping Conference held at Hotel Victoria, Northumberland Avenue, London, 23rd, 24th and 25th November, 1921 / Sir Owen Philipps, President.
Philipps Universitat Marburg Institut Fur Neuere Deutsche Literatur Forschu : Georg Buchner Jahrbuch / in Verbindung mit der Georg Buchner Gesellschaft und der Forschungsstelle Georg Buchner, Literatur und Geschichte des Vormarz, im Institut für Neuere Deutsche Literatur der Philipps-Universität Marburg herausgegeben von H. Gersch ... [et al.].
Philippus Sidetes Active 5th Century : Dissertationes in Irenaeum / auctore Henrico Dodwello ... ; accedit fragmentum Philippi Sidetae, hactenus ineditum, de catechistarum Alexandrinorum successione, cum notis.
Philips A A : The Australian tradition : studies in a colonial culture.
Philips John : Exceeding joyful newes from the narrow seas, Dover, and the Irish Seas : being a true and exact reiation of the victorious proceedings, and renowned exploits, performed by the right honourable, Robert Earl of Warwicke, Lord Admirall of His Majesties navie royall in this expedition, MDCXLII ... likewise a true description of the manner of his scouring the seas and all the ports thereabouts ... with the names of every particular ship ... / sent ... by Iohn Philips to his brother ...
Philips John Vicar Of Aylesham Norfolk : God and the King. Gods strength the Kings salvation : A sermon preached at Aylesham in the county of Norfolk, upon the 29 day of May 1661, being the anniversary day of thanksgiving, for the thrice happy and glorious restauration of our most Gracious Soveraign King Charles the second, to the royal government of all his Majesties kingdoms and dominions. By John Philips, B.D. sometime fellow of Magdalen College in Cambridge, and vicar of Aylesham in Norfolk.
Philips Lee : Peyton Place [videorecording] / directed by Mark Robson.
Philips Martin : The most rare, strange and wonderfull example of Almightie God, shewed in the citie of Telonne in Prouence, on a cruell Papisticall bishop : with the preseruation of the ladie Deormoga, whose life he vowed to haue, his miserable and lamentable ende, and may serue for a most strange example. Also the burning of the church at Argere, with diuers hurts done by lightning, buring a ship of bread and corne, arrested by the gouernour, bound for the reliefe of Telonne, With the great plague of rattes, that filled the whole cittie, a warning to let vs all know our heauenly Father and redeemer, and to repent vs of our sinnes. Witnesse these whose names are here set downe: Iacob Iohnson of Dort in Holland. Peter van Haget of Ancusa marchant. Martin Philips pilot of Dort.
Philips Mary : Leave her to heaven [videorecording] / directed by John M. Stahl.
Philips Nicholas Active 1681 : Loyalty and piety : the way to live happily on earth, the way to live happily in heaven. By Nicholas Philips, late chaplain to His Majesty's garrison in the isles of Silly.