Plaat Gees N Van Der : Herrijzend Nederland : opstellen over Nederland in de periode 1945-1950 / onder redactie van P.W. Klein [en] G.N. van der Plaat.
Plaat Gees Van Der : Johan Huizinga, 1872-1972 / edited by W.R.H. Koops, E.H. Kossmann and G. van der Plaat.
Plaatje Violet N : Sol Plaatje's Native life in South Africa : past and present / edited by Janet Remmington, Brian Willan and Bhekizizwe Peterson ; foreword by Njabulo S. Ndebele.
Placencia Maria Elena : Sueños world Spanish 1 / Mike González, Luz Kettle, María Elena Placencia.
Placentius Jean Leo Approximately 1550 : Pugna Porcorum per Placentium Portium poetam. Præterea Protestatio propter puncta peruerse posita. Postremo pasquillus post prandium pontificis prælegens poema. Paraclesis pro potore. Perlege porcoru[m] pulcherrima perlia potor, potando poteris placidam proferre poesim
Placentius Portius : Pugna Porcorum per Placentium Portium poetam. Præterea Protestatio propter puncta peruerse posita. Postremo pasquillus post prandium pontificis prælegens poema. Paraclesis pro potore. Perlege porcoru[m] pulcherrima perlia potor, potando poteris placidam proferre poesim
Placher William C : Types of Christian theology / edited by George Hunsinger and William C. Placher.
Placido Ana Augusta : A via dolorosa, 1859-1860 : [135 telegramas trocados por Camillo Castelo Branco e Ana Placido / redator : A. Cabral.
Plaine Clerke Tho : A proclamation against the home-loyterers, recusants to the common cause, within the colledge of iustice, as followeth, / [by] Tho. Plaine Clerke.
Plainsong And Mediaeval Music Society Great Britain : Piæ cantiones : a collection of church & school song, chiefly ancient Swedish, originally published in A. D. 1582 by Theodoric Petri, of Nyland / revised and re-edited, with preface and explanatory notes, by G. R. Woodward, and printed at the Chiswick Press for the Plainsong and Medieval Music Society.