Porrini Donatella : Property rights dynamics : a law and economics perspective / edited by Donatella Porrini and Giovanni Battista Ramello.
Porritt Arthur Espie : A review of the medical services in Great Britain : the report of a committee sponsored by Royal College of Physicians of London and others / [under the chairmanship of Sir Arthur Porritt].
Porritt Edward : The unreformed House Of Commons, Parliamentary representation before 1832 / by Edward Porritt, assist. by Annie G. Porritt.
Port Facilities Committee : Port facilities of Great Britain : the report of the Port Facilities Committee appointed by the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom.
Port Frederick John 1884 : Administrative law / by Frederick John Port, LL.D., with a foreword by the Right Hon. Lord Justice Sankey.
Port J G : The dictionary of composers and their music.
Port Robert 1617 Or 18 : Spiritual flovvers for saints and sinners. : Gathered out of the garden of the sacred scriptures, and writings of men famous in their generations. / By Robert Port minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Port Robert F : Mind as motion : explorations in the dynamics of cognition / edited by Robert F. Port and Timothy van Gelder.
Porta Hercole : Sinfonia für Violine und Basso continuo (1609) / von H. Porta and Sonata "La Sfondrata" für Violine und Basso continuo (1624), von N. Corradini; herausgegeben von F. Cerha.
Portal J C : Electronic properties of multilayers and low-dimensional semiconductor structures : [proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute... held September 11-22, 1989, in Castera-Verduzan, France] / edited by J.M. Chamberlain, L. Eaves and J.-C. Portal.