Price Jane L : Demand management : a basis for waste policy : a critical review of the applicability of the waste hierarchy in terms of achieving sustainable waste management / by Jane L. Price and Jeremy B. Joseph.
Price Jeremy : The lettered knight : knowledge and aristocratic behavior in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries / Martin Aurell ; translated by Jean-Charles Khalifa and Jeremy Price.
Price Jocelyn : The medieval translator : the theory and practice of translation in the Middle Ages : papers read at a conference held 20-23rd August 1987 at the University of Wales Conference Centre, Gregynog Hall / edited by Roger Ellis assisted by Jocelyn Price, Stephen Medcalf and Peter Meredith.
Price Joe D : Japanese paintings, from the collection of J.D. Price.
Price John 1576 1645 : Anti-Mortonus or An apology in defence of the Church of Rome. : Against the grand imposture of Doctor Thomas Morton, Bishop of Durham. Whereto is added in the chapter XXXIII. An answere to his late sermon printed, and preached before His Maiesty in the cathedrall church of the same citty..
Price John 1600 1676 : Joannis Pricæi Commentarii in varios Novi Testamenti libros : in quibus Vulgatæ versionis, quamplurimis locis, præ quavis alia recentiore fermo purus Latinúsque ostenditur, contextûs Græci litera explicatur ... : his accesserunt annotationes in Psalmorum librum, item in aliquot sparsa capita Novi Testamenti, ad serenissimum principem Cosmum, magnum principem Hetruriæ.
Price John Active 17th Century : A letter written from Dover to the Commissioners for the Customs, London, May 26, relating certain passages of His Majesties arrival and reception there
Price John Of Colemanstreet London : The wounds of a friend, or, A letter mentioned by Mr. Love upon the scaffold in his speech a little before his death : sent unto him the night before he should have been executed in the moneth of July, which is upon the occasion of the said mention thereof published / by John Price, of Colemanstreet, London.
Price John Rea : Future role of social services departments / J. R. Price...[et al.].
Price John Sir 1502 1573 : Yny lhyvyr hwnn y traethir. : Gwyðor kymraeg. Kalandyr. Ygredo, ney bynkeu yr ffyð gatholig. Y pader, ney weði yr aglwyð. Y deng air deðyf. Saith kinweð yr egglwys. Y kampey arber[--]wy ar Gwyðieu gochbladwy ae keingeu.
Price John Welsh Clergyman : The sun out-shining the moon, or, Righteousness excelling rottennness : in answer to a lying scandalous paper, published by John Moone, entituled, The true light hath made manifest darknesse, &c. : but it is darkness put forth for light, as it will appear by that which followeth / and is published by John Price.
Price Jonathan 1967 : Psychiatry / John Geddes, Jonathan Price, Rebecca McKnight ; with Michael Gelder and Richard Mayou.
Price Jonathan David : Some Famennian (Upper Devonian) ammonoids from north western Europe.
Price Larry W : The periglacial environment, permafrost and man.
Price Laurence : A key to open heaven-gate. Or, a ready path to lead to heaven : Written and printed for the benefit of all true Christians, to read hear and make good use of, before it be too late. And therefore I advise every man, and every woman to observe and give good heed to what is spoken in this little book, and they shall be sure to finde sweetnesse, and happinesse in this world, and eternall joys in the world to come, through the might, merits, and mercies of Jesus Christ; who saith, Aske and you shall have, seeke, and yee shall finde, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Written by Laurence Price.
Price Lonny : Merrily we roll along [sound recording] : original Broadway cast recording / music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim ; book by George Furth, from the play by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart.