Ranger Phill Philip : Ranger 1629 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord 1629, being from the worlds creation 5578 and the first after leape yeare : calculated and properly referred to the meridian of the honourable citie of Yorke, where the pole is raysed aboue the horizon 54. degrees, 25. minutes, and whose longitude is reckoned 22. degrees, 25 minutes so that it may well serue for all eclipses and aspects for the honourable city of London without any sensible errour / by Phill. Ranger ...
Ranger R W E : Butterworths costs in civil litigation and non-litigious work.
Ranger Robin : International missile defence? : opportunities, challenges and implications for Europe / edited by Robin Ranger, David Wiencek & Jeremy Stocker.
Ranger T O : The invention of tradition / edited by Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger.
Rango Albert : Remote sensing and large-scale global processes : proceedings of a symposium held during the Third Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences at Baltimore ... May 1989 / edited by A. Rango.
Ranivoharisoa Honnorine : Between generations : the construction of mother-daughter relationships in the work of black women playwrights in Britain.
Ranjan Sudhir : Light, water, hydrogen : the solar generation of hydrogen by water photoelectrolysis / Craig A. Grimes, Oomman K. Varghese, Sudhir Ranjan.