Reading Burnet 1749 Or 50 1838 : Sir John Popham, Chief Justice of the Kings Bench, 1592. Died 1607 aged 76. From a small print in the title to the 'Conveyancers light' / B. Reading, sculp.
Reading Carl C : Atlas of human cross-sectional anatomy.
Reading Chris : Oystercatchers and shellfish / John Goss-Custard, Selwyn McGrorty, and Chris Reading.
Reading Christine : Select bibliography of drama and education, compiled by C.Redington and K.Pickekring.
Reading International Solidarity Centre : Adinkra : a primary cross-curricular project, using a textile tradition from Ghana, to explore children's values and indentity : art and design, citizenship, design and technology, geography / [Cathy Growney and Barbara Lowe].
Reading Judy : Learning to use resources in the classroom : a study of PGCE students; a research study commissioned by LISE and carried out during 1997/8.
Reading Katie Hope : An exploration of how healthcare professionals working within intensive care experience the factors which contribute to individual and relational well-being at work / Katie Hope Reading.
Reading Reid : Confrontation in the Caribbean Basin : international perspectives on security, sovereignty and survival / A. Adelman, R. Reading, editors.
Reading Scripture Literary Criticism And Biblical Hermeneutics Internationa : Literary theory and biblical hermeneutics : proceedings of the International Conference "Reading Scripture - Literary Criticism and Biblical Hermeneutics", Pannonhalma, Hungary, 4th-6th July, 1991 / edited by Tibor Fabiny.
Reading Theresa A : Environmental management for aquaculture / A. Midlen, T.A. Reading.
Readings Bill 1960 : Postmodernism across the ages : essays for a postmodernity that wasn't born yesterday / edited by Bill Readings and Bennet Schaber.