Rede Leman Thomas 1799 1832 : York Castle, in the nineteenth century being an account of all the principal offences committed in Yorkshire, from the year 1800 to the present period ; with the lives of the capital offenders; accompanied with interesting anecdotes, important disclosures and confessions, obtained from authentic sources, and under high magisterial authority / by Leman Thomas Rede.
Rede William 1385 : Almanach ephemerides in anno domini M. d. vii. in latitudo Oxonia. li. xxviii. id[us] l'. Menet in longitude .xv. xxviii. id[us] in Europ. durabit ad annos futuros. M. d. xix. et finis ...
Redfearn Michael : Towards a theology of the industrial organisation : a method of theologising about industrial society by focussing on the insights of sociology as related to industrial organisations ...
Redfeild Robert : Chan Kom, a Maya village / by R. Redfield and Villa R.
Redfern Sam : Love in all corners ; Perfection / [Thomas Haynes Bayly] ; Harlequin little Bo-Peep and her wonderful sheep; or, Old Mother Hubbard and the house that Jack built / Wilson Barrett.