Ridley Humphrey 1653 1708 : The anatomy of the brain : containing its mechanism and physiology : together with some new discoveries and corrections of ancient and modern authors upon that subject : to which is annex'd a particular account of animal functions and muscular motion : the whole illustrated with elegant sculptures after the life by H. Ridley ...
Ridley Julie : Towards a better partnership : social workers and volunteers / BASW Social Workers and Volunteers Project Group; editors, J. Ridley and R. Currie.
Ridley Ken : Curriculum planning and the primary school / K. Morrison and K. Ridley.
Ridley Nicholas 1576 : Certayne godly, learned, and comfortable conferences betuuene the tuuo reuerende fathers and holye martyres of Christe, D. Nicolas Ridley late byshoppe of London, and M. Hugh Latymer, somtime bishop of VVorcester, duryng the tyme of their emprisonmentes