Roche Mary Lecturer In Education : Developing children's critical thinking through picturebooks : a guide for primary and early years students and teachers / Mary Roche.
Roche Michael M : Geography and society in a global context : proceedings of Fourteenth New Zealand Geography Conference and Fifty-Sixth ANZAAS Congress (Geographical Sciences), Palmerston North, January 1987.
Roche Patrick J 1940 : The Northern Ireland question : perspectives and policies / edited by Brian Barton, Patrick J. Roche.
Roche Robert 1575 Or 6 1629 : Eustathia, or the constancie of Susanna : containing the preservation of the godly, subversion of the wicked, precepts for the aged, instructions for youth, pleasure with profitte. Penned by R.R.G.
Roche Sheila : Overview of research on the provision and utilization of the child health services : review commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Security / S. Roche and M. Stacey.
Roche Suzzy : House/lights / the Wooster Group ; directed by Elizabeth LeCompte.
Roche T W E : The key in the lock : a history of immigration control in England from 1066 to the present day.
Rochebouet Anne : Le pas du Perron fée (édition des manuscrits Paris, BnF fr 5739 et Lille BU 104) / par Chloé Horn, Anne Rochebouet, Michelle Szkilnik.
Rochedieu C A E : Bibliography of French translations of English works, 1700-1800.
Rocheid Ja : Intimation by the town-clerk of Edinburgh, : to the whole burgesses of the said burgh, concerning the election of their commissioners to the meeting of the estates of this kingdom, which is to be holden the 14th day of March 1689 years.
Rocheid James : Edinburgh, the thirteenth day of January, one thousand six hundred and eighty two years. : The which day the lord provost, baillies, council, and deacons of crafts, being conveened in council, appoints the price of the coach-hire from any part of the city to the abbay, and from the abbay to the city ...
Rochelle James Arthur 1942 : Forest fragmentation : wildlife and management implications / edited by James A. Rochelle, Leslie A. Lehmann, Joe Wisniewski.
Rochelson Meri Jane : Transforming genres : new approaches to British fiction of the 1890s / edited by Nikki Lee Manos and Meri-Jane Rochelson.
Rochester International Conference On Environmental Toxicity 16th : The cytoskeleton : a target for toxic agents : proceedings of the 16th Rochester International Conference on Environmental Toxicity, held June 4-6, 1984, in Rochester, New York / edited by T.W. Clarkson, P.R. Sager and T.L.M. Syversen.
Rochester J Martin : Between peril and promise : the politics of international law / J. Martin Rochester.