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Rudd Robertl : Pesticides and the living landscape.
Rudd Sayer 1757 : [To the honourable the commissioners of His Majesty's excise. The case of Dr. Sayer Rudd, in answer to an information lodged against him ... for retaling spirituous liquors].
Rudd Thomas 1667 Or 8 1733 : Syntaxis Latinè, & Anglicè, et prosodia : Adjicitur de figuris grammaticis, et variis versuum generibus, libellus. In usum puerorum; Novocastrensium.
Ruddick Susan M : Young and homeless in Hollywood : mapping social identities.
Ruddick William : Having children : philosophical and legal reflections on parenthood; essays / edited for the Society for Philosophy and Public Affairs [by] O. O'Neill and W. Ruddock.
Ruddiman Thomas : Thomas Rudiman : a study in Scottish scholarship of the early eighteenth century.
Ruddoke Thomas : A remembraunce for the maintenaunce of the liuynge of ministers and preachers nowe notablye decayed : exhibited vnto the right reuerend father in God Thomas Bishop of Elye ...