Ruffley Christopher Lewis : Minimisation of transport costs in the distribution of finished goods at Rowntree Mackintosh Ltd.
Ruffner James A : The weather almanac : a reference guide to weather and climate in the United States ... / edited by James A. Ruffner and Frank E. Bair.
Ruffolo Giorgio : La disoccupazione in Italia : relazione sintetica delle indagini e degli studi promossi dalla Commissione Parlamentare d'Inchiesta sulla Disoccupazione.
Ruffolo Robert R : Inflammation--mediators and pathways / edited by Robert R. Ruffolo, Jr., Mannfred A. Hollinger.
Rufford Abbey : Rufford charters / edited by C.J. Holdsworth.
Rufty Hilton 1909 1974 : Twelve folk hymns from the old shape note hymnbooks and from oral tradition / edited by John Powell ; the harmonizations by John Powell, Annabel Morris Buchanan, and Hilton Rufty.