Russell John 1494 : Propositio clarissimi oratoris. Magistri Iohannis Russell
Russell John 1612 : Verba Ioann. Russelli iureconsulti pro senatu populoque Edinburgensi habita, ad serenissimam scotorum reginam Annam : dum Edinburgum ingreditur 19. Maij. An. 1590.
Russell John 1680 : A brief narrative of some considerable passages : concerning the first gathering and further progress of a church of Christ in Gospel-order, in Boston, in New-England, commonly (though falsly) called by the name of Anabaptists for clearing their innocency from the scandalous things laid to their charge / set forth by John Russel, an officer of the said church, with consent of the whole. Dated in Boston, 20th, 3d month, 1680.
Russell John Physician : Removed from Smithfield to Leather-Lane in Holborn, by the Hole in the Wall, the corner house against Baldwin's-Garden, near Hatton-Garden, J. Russell, occulist, professor of physick and surgery,&c..
Russell Jones Neil : Customer relationship management / Neil Russell-Jones.
Russell Jones Robin : Ozone depletion : health and environmental consequences : proceedings of an international conference on the health and environmental consequences of stratospheric ozone depletion, held at the Royal Institute of British Architects, London, on November 28-29, 1988 / edited by R. Russell Jones and T. Wigley.
Russell Josephine : How children become moral selves : building character and promoting citizenship in education / Josephine Russell.