Rust Jennifer R : The body in mystery : the political theology of the Corpus Mysticum in the literature of Reformation England / Jennifer R. Rust.
Rust John : Handbook of computational economics / edited by Hans M. Amman, David A. Kendrick, and John Rust.
Rust Metta Maund : The Effect of resistance on intelligence test scores of young children.
Rust Nicholas 1617 Or 18 : Roma ruens. : Dagon falling before the Arke, or, The glory of Christ over-shadowing all other glories. / As it was delivered in a sermon before. the right Honourable Lord Major, and the right worshipful aldermen his brethren, at Mercers Chappel. By Nicholas Rust, chaplaine to the right Honourable Lord Major. Magna veritas & prævalet.
Rust Roland T : Driving customer equity : how customer lifetime value is reshaping corporate strategy / Roland T. Rust, Valarie A. Zeithaml, Katherine N. Lemon.
Rust Tamara : Equal pay for equal work : your questions answered.
Rust Val D : Towards schooling for the twenty-first century / Per Dalin, Val D. Rust.
Rust Val Dean : German interest in foreign education since World War I.
Rust Werner : Geflugelte Worte : der Zitatenschatz des deutschen Volkesgesammelt / und erlautert von G. Buchmann :fortgesetzt von W. Robert-tornow, K. Weidling.
Rust William J : So much to lose : John F. Kennedy and American policy in Laos / William J. Rust.
Rustad A Merc : The Best American science fiction and fantasy 2018 / edited and with an introduction by N.K. Jemisin ; John Joseph Adams, series editor.
Rustad Siri Aas : Oil and insurgency in the Niger Delta : managing the complex politics of petro-violence / edited by Cyril Obi and Siri Aas Rustad.
Rusticus Notarius : Vox ruris reverberating vox civitatis : complaining this yeare 1636, without cause, against the countrie. Wherein 1. The cities first complaint in the yeare 1625. is in the generall heads repeated, approved, and compared with the countries estate. 2.The scribe thereof vindicated. 3. The publisher of it this yeare rebuked. 4. The last edition disallowed. 5. The citie childrens behaviour in the countrie reprooved. Taken from her owne common report, and written by Notarius Rusticus.