Rustin Randall : Debugging techniques in large systems / edited by R. Rustin.
Rustique Forrester Elle : Working with disaffected students : why students lose interest in school and what we can do about it / Kathryn A. Riley and Elle Rustique-Forrester with Mary Fuller ... [et al.].
Ruswel W : His Majesties gracious message to the citizens of London, and His now and finall propositions for peace. to be forthwith published, throughout the severall wards and parishes, within the cities of London and Westminster, Middlesex, Surrey and parts adjacent. With His royall promise and grant to be by him enacted, and His further concessions and resolution to both Houses. Signed Charles Rex. Expressed in a letter from Newport October 25. 1648. Also, two letters from the nobility of Scotland, to the Kings Majesty, and the Prince of Wales.
Ruszala Sue : Moving and handling people : an illustrated guide / edited by Sue Ruszala.
Ruszkowski Valentin 1563 1626 : Controuersia illustris, hoc est, Responsio ad libellum a patribus Societatis Iesu contra rectorem & Vniuersitatem Cracouiensem scriptum : & nomine Reprotestationis Ann. Sal. 1622. mense Iulio euulgatum, sparsumque. Nunc bono publico omnium Academiarum Germaniæ, Galliæ, Italiæ, Poloniæ, ex archetypo Cracouiensi impressum.
Ruta Marcello : The Routledge handbook of philosophy and improvisation in the arts [electronic resource] / edited by Alessandro Bertinetto, Marcello Ruta.
Rutazibwa Olivia : Decolonization and feminisms in global teaching and learning [electronic resource] : edited by Sara de Jong, Rosalba Icaza, Olivia U. Rutazibwa.
Ruter Hubert : Erich Maria Remarque : "Im Westen nichts Neues" : ein Bestselle der Kriegsliteratur im Kontext : Entstehung-Struktur-Rezeption-Didaktik.
Ruter Klaus : Odysseeinterpretationen : Untersuchungen zum ersten Buch und zur Phaiakis / herausgegeben von K. Matthiessen.