Ryther John H : Aquaculture / by J.E. Bardach, J.H. Ryther and W.O. McLarney.
Rytlowski Rolf : Handbuch zur Deutsch-Deutschen Wirklichkeit Bundesrepublik Deutschland-Deutsche Demokratische Republik im Kulturvergleich / herausgegeben von W.R. Langenbücher, R. Rytlowski und B. Weyergraf.
Ryton Charlotte : The Lion book of five-minute parables / told by Charlotte Ryton ; illustrated by Nadine Wickenden.
Ryves William Major : Newes from Dennington Castle or a true copy of Major William Rives his letter, in vindication of himselfe and others. : Wherein is related the condition of the leaguer before it, and the manner of the late sallie from the castle, with what losse was on both sides. Licensed and printed according to order.
Rzepa Henry S : Electronic Conference on Trends in Organometallic Chemistry [electronic resource] : ECTOC 3 : proceedings held on the Web between 30 June and 31 July 1997 : CD-ROM / edited by H.S. Rzepa and C. Leach.
Rzepeck Arnold M : Book review index to social science periodicals / edited by A.M.Rzepocki, with the assistance of P.Guenther.