The fyrst dialogue in Englisshe : with newe additions.
Saint German, Christopher, 1460?-1540.
[Imprynted, at Loddo[n] : In the Fletestrete, by me Robert Redman dwellynge in saint Dunstones parysshe, nexte the churche, In the yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC. XXXii. [1532] The fyrst day of the moneth of Iuly]
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The fyrst dialogue in Englisshe : with newe additions.
Saint German, Christopher, 1460?-1540.
[Imprynted, at Loddo[n] : In the Fletestrete, by me Robert Redman dwellynge in saint Dunstones parysshe, nexte the churche, In the yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC. XXXii. [1532] The fyrst day of the moneth of Iuly]
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