Salle A J : Fundamental principles of bacteriology.
Salle De Lemulation Liege : Arp and Sophie Taeuber : catalogue d'one exposition faite sous les auspices de l'Association pour le progres intellectual et artistique de la Wallonie.
Saller K : Die Mestizen auf Kisar / mit einem Beiträge von K. Saller ueber Mikroskopische Beobachtungen an den Haaren der Kisaresen und Kisarbastarde; hrsg. durch die Mededeelingen van den Dienst der Volksgezondheid in Nederlandsch-Indie.
Sallers John Approximately 1662 : A brief narrative of that stupendious [sic] tragedie late intended to be acted by the satanical saints of these reforming times : humbly presented to the king's most excellent majesty : also, an impartial account of the indictment, arraignment, tryal [sic], and condemnation of Thomas Tonge, George Phillips, Francis Stubbs, James Hind, John Sallers, and Nathaniel Gibbs, at Justice-Hall in the Old-Bailey, London, Decemb. 11, 1662 ; together with the confessions, speeches, and prayers of George Phillips, Thomas Tonge, Nathaniel Gibbs, Francis Stubbs, at the place of execution, on Munday, Decemb. 22, 1662. / exactly taken in short-hand characters, by the same person that wrote the late king's judges tryals.
Salles A : Trois antiques rituels du bapteme,presentes par A.Salles.
Salles David : Do ideal as ilusoes : alguns temas da evolucao do romantismo brasileiro.
Salles Jean Francois : Athens, Aden, Arikamedu : essays on the interrelations between India, Arabia, and the Eastern Mediterranean / edited by Marie-Françoise Boussac, Jean-François Salles.
Sallet Friedrich Von : Four German one act plays / edited with introd. notes, exercises and vocabulary by G.J. Jordan.
Sallet Richard : Russian-German settlements in the United States;Place names of german colonies in Russia and the Dobrudja,by A.Baller.Praire architectuse of the Russian-german settlers by W.C.Sherman.
Salley Alexander S : Minutes of the vestry of St. Helena's parish, South Carolina, 1726-1812.
Salley Ruth E : Some factors affecting the supply of and demand for pre-school teachers in New York City.
Salli Ilmari : The structure and stratigraphy of the Ylivieska-Himanka schist area, Finland.