Sawaki Kodo 1880 1965 : Commentary on the song of awakening : a twentieth century Japanese Zen Master's commentary on the seventh century poem by the Chinese Ch'an Master Yung-chia Hsuan-chueh (Yoka Genkaku) / Kodo Sawaki ; foreword by Shohaku Okumura ; French translation of Japanese original by Janine Coursin, English translation from the French by Tonen O'Connor.
Saward Dudley : "Bomber" Harris : the story of Marshall of the Royal Air Force Sir Arthur Harris, Bt. ..., Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Bomber Command, 1942-1945 / foreword by A. Bryant.
Saward John : Perfect fools : folly for Christ's sake in Catholic and Orthodox spirituality.
Sawbridge John Active 1685 : To the honorable the knights, citizens and burgesses, in Parliament assembled. The humble petition of Robert Tayloe, Joseph Emerson, John Sawbridge and Edward Pearce : on the behalf of themselves and other poor marriners, to the number of five hundred and upwards, who served the East-India Company in their late wars against the great mogul, and other heathen princes: and on the behalf of the widows and orphans of other marriners to the like number, that perished in the said wars.
Sawbridge Philip : The need for child protection professionals to work in partnership with families is one of the key features of the Children Act 1989 : how does this concept relate to the principle that courts must treat the welfare of the child as the paramount consideration in decision making?
Sawbridge Thomas Vicar Of Harstone : A sermon preached at the assizes in St. Maries Church in request of George Ashby Esq., High-Sheriff of the said county / by Thomas Sawbridge, Vicar of Harstone, July the 25th, 1689.
Sawchuk Kim : Wild science : reading feminism, medicine and the media / edited by Janine Marchessault and Kim Sawchuk.
Sawers Larry 1942 : Marxism and the metropolis : new perspectives in urban political economy / edited by William K. Tabb, Larry Sawers.
Sawers Robin : Menschen und Maschinen : eine Reise durch die deutsche Wirtschaft in zwanzig Dialogen / by A. Schmidt and H. Fleischhacker with additional material by R. Sawers.
Sawle Helen Louisa : Rainy day playtimes book 1 / Warren Harrison, Pamela Ainsworth, Helen Louisa Sawle.
Sawle William 1654 Or 5 : An impartial relation of all the transactions between the army of the confederates and that of the French king in their last summers campaign in Flanders, with a more particular respect to the battle of Fleury : the character of the generals and the reasons of that most unhappy miscarriage : with a list of the great officers slain : also observations on the grand consultations at the Hague ... / by W. Sawle ...
Sawmy Parisitoo : The role of area health authority members in financial allocation and control.
Sawtell Paul : Faster, Pussycat ... Kill! Kill! [videorecording] / produced and directed by Russ Meyer.
Sawtry James : The defence of the mariage of preistes : agenst Steuen Gardiner bisshop of Wynchester, Wylliam Repse bisshop of Norwiche, and agenst all the bisshops and preistes of that false popissh secte, with a confutacion of their vnaduysed vowes vnaduysedly dissined: whereby they haue so wykedly separated them whom God cowpled in lawfull mariage. Made by James Sawtry.