Shotterel Robert : Archerie reviv'd, or, The bow-man's excellence : an heroick poem : being a description of the use and noble vertues of the long-bow in our last age, so famous for the many great and admired victories won by the English, and other warlike nations over most part of the world : exhorting all brave spirits to the banishment of vice, by the use of so noble and healthful an exercise / written by Robert Shotterel and Thomas Durfey ...
Shoulders Craig D : Governmental and nonprofit accounting : theory and practice / R.J. Freeman, C.D. Shoulders, E.S. Lynn.
Shoulson Jeffrey S : Hebraica veritas? : Christian Hebraists and the study of Judaism in early modern Europe / edited by Allison P. Coudert and Jeffrey S. Shoulson.
Shourie K L : Diet survey in college and school hostels in Delhi.
Shouse Andrew W : Ready, set, science! : putting research to work in K-8 science classrooms / Sarah Michaels, Andrew W. Shouse, and Heidi A. Schweingruber ; Board on Science Education, Center for Education, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council of the National Academies.
Shoute J : [The principal points which are at this daye in controuersie, concerning the holly supper and of the masse.]
Shove Benjamin : An advertisement, concerning that excellent pill, of the late eminent and worthy Doctor Trigg, of Tower-Wharf, called by him, The Golden Vatican-Pill, famous for the cure of most diseases in either sex..