Silverstein Ruth J : Spanish now! : level 1 / Ruth J. Silverstein, Allen Pomerantz, Heywood Wald ; general editor, Nathan Quiñones.
Silverstein Steve : Aaron Copland : a reader : selected writings 1923-1972 / edited, with an introduction, by Richard Kostelanetz ; assistant editor, Steve Silverstein.
Silverstone Rosalie : Careers of professional women / edited by R. Silverstone and A. Ward.
Silverstone Sam : The parole process : a study of the National Parole Board / prepared for the Law Reform Commission of Canada by P. Carriere and S. Silverstone.
Silverstone Trevor : Drug treatment in psychiatry / Trevor Silverstone and Paul Turner.
Silverthorn Andrew C : Human physiology : an integrated approach / Dee Unglaub Silverthorn ; with contributions by Bruce R. Johnson and William C. Ober, illustration coordinator ; Claire W. Garrison, illustrator ; Andrew C. Silverthorn, clinical consultant.
Silvester R J : Life in medieval landscapes : people and places in the Middle Ages ; papers in memory of H.S.A. Fox / edited by Sam Turner and Bob Silvester.
Silvester Robert : United States theatre : a bibliography : from the beginning to 1900.