Stremplat A : Die Flachenbilanz als neues Hilfsmittel für die Regionalplanung : Dargestellt am Beispiel von Oberhessen.
Stren Richard E : African cities in crisis : managing rapid urban growth / edited by Richard E. Stren and Rodney R. White.
Streng Alice H : Language, learning and deafness : theory, application and classroom management / Alice H. Streng, Richard R. Kretschmer, Laura W. Kretschmer.
Streng Isabelle : Where analysis meets the arts : the integration of the arts therapies with psychoanalytic theory / edited by Yvonne Searle and Isabelle Streng ; foreword by Andrea Sabbadini.
Streng J C : Stemme in staat : de bestuurlijke elite in de stadsrepubliek Zwolle 1579-1795.
Strenger Folke : Les voyelles nasales francaises : une recherche de phonetique articulatoire.
Strengfellow William : A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, aldermen and livery-men of the city of London, in the parish-church of St. Lawrence-Jewry, on the feast of St. Michael 1693 : at the election of the Lord Mayor for the year ensuing / by William Strengfellow ...
Strenski Ellen 1942 : Building university electronic educational environments : IFIP TC3 WG3.2/3.6 International Working Conference on Building University Electronic Educational Environments, August 4-6, 1999, Irvine, California, USA / edited by Stephen D. Franklin, Ellen Strenski.
Strenz Wilfried : Beiträge zu Problemen der historischen Geographie und der geographischen Wirtschaftsgeschichte in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.
Streri Arlette : Seeing reaching touching : the relations between vision and touch in infancy.