Strong Leonard Agent For The People Of Providence In Maryland : Babylon's fall in Maryland, a fair warning to Lord Baltamore, or, A relation of an assault made by divers papists, and popish officers of the Lord Baltamore's, against the Protestants in Maryland : to whom God gave a great victory against a greater force of souldiers and armed men, who came to destroy them / published by Leonard Strong, agent for the people of Providence in Maryland.
Strong Martin 1663 Or 4 : The indecency and unlawfulness of baptizing children in private, without necessity, and with the publick form : seriously recommended to the consideration of both the clergy and laity of the Church of England : to which is added, a brief exhortation to the constant receiving of the Lords Supper.
Strong Mary Symons : Sociological realities : a guide to the study of society / edited by Irving Louis Horowitz and Mary Symons Strong with the assistance of George A. Talbot.
Strong Michael : Leadership and administration of outdoor pursuits / by Jim Blanchard, Michael Strong, Phyllis Ford.
Strong Ruth B : Seeking western waters : the Lewis and Clark trail from the Rockies to the Pacific / Emory and Ruth Strong ; edited by Herbert K. Beals.
Strong Words : But the world goes on the same : changing times in Durham pit villages / compiled, edited and produced by the Durham Strong Words Collective.
Stronge Paul : Women, alcohol and offending : the social construction of female deviance.