Taswell James : Ten necessary quæries touching the personall treatie very usefull and necessary to be considered. : Also a right description of a cavalier: with some drops to quench the fiery bull of Colchester. / By James Tasvvell, a true lover of King, Parliament, truth and peace.
Tata Cyrus : Sentencing and society : international perspectives / edited by Cyrus Tata and Neil Hutton.
Tata Energy Research Institute : Energy and environmental challenges in Central Asia and the Caucasus : windows for co-operation / editor, Preeti Soni ; foreword Salman Khurshid.
Tata Industries : Tata quarterly : a review of economic and financial conditions in India.
Tatarunis Alphonse M : Teaching music in today's secondary schools : a creative approach to contemporary music education / Malcolm E. Bessom, Alphonse M. Tatarunis, Samuel L. Forcucci.
Tatchell Judy : You and your food / Judy Tatchell and Dilys Wells.
Tate Gallery Oppe Collection : British watercolours from the Oppe Collection, with a selection of drawings and oil sketches / Anne Lyles and Robin Hamlyn ...