Taylor Theophilus 1640 : The mappe of Moses: or, a guide for governours : Two sermons lately preached before the iudges of assize, and magistrates of the towne of Reding, at two seuerall assemblies there held for the countie of Berk. By Theophilus Taylor, Master of Arts, and pastor of the parish of S. Laurence in Reding.
Taylor Thomas : A godlie and learned exposition upon the whole epistle of Iude, containing threescore and sixe sermons / preached in Cambridge by that reverend and faithfull man of God, Master William Perkins, and now at the request of his executors, published by Thomas Taylor, preacher of Gods word ; whereunto is prefixed a large analysis, containing the summe and order of the whole booke, according to the authors owne method, to which are further added, foure briefe tables to direct the reader ...
Taylor Thomas 1576 1633 : The theatre of Gods judgements : wherein is represented the admirable justice of God against all notorious sinners, great and small, specially against the most eminent persons in the world, whose exorbitant power had broke through the barres of divine and humane law. / Collected out of sacred, ecclesiasticall, and pagan histories by two most reverend doctors in divinity, Thomas Beard of Huntington, and [Thomas] Taylor, the famous late preacher of Mary Aldermanbury in London ; the incomparable use of this book for ministers and others is largely expressed in the preface.