Terrington Thomas John : A manual for the religious and moral instruction for young children in the nursery and infant school, by S. Wilderspin and T.J. Terrington.
Terrins Deirdre : 100 years of Fabian socialism, 1884-1984 / edited ... by D. Terrins and P. Whitehead.
Territo Leonard : International sex trafficking of women & children : understanding the global epidemic / edited by Leonard Territo and George Kirkham.
Territory And Dominion Of New England President 1686 1689 Andros : By His Excellency a proclamation. : Whereas His Majesty hath been graciously pleased, by his royal letter, bearing date the sixteenth day of October last past, to signifie that he hath received undoubted advice that a great and sudden invasion from Holland, with an armed force of forreigners and strangers, will speedily be made in an hostile manner upon His Majesty's kingdom of England ...
Terroine Anne : Recueil de documents relatifs aux seances des Etats Generaux.
Terry Fiona : Condemned to repeat? : the paradox of humanitarian action / Fiona Terry.
Terry Francis : Public Domain 1990 : a yearbook for the public services / edited by Prof. Peter Jackson and Francis Terry.
Terry Fred : Henry of Navarre / by William Devereux ; the play produced under the direction of Mr. Fred Terry.
Terry Garnet : Elegy to the memory of the Right Honourable Selina Countess Dowager of Huntingdon, : who departed this life, June 17, 1791, aged eighty-four years.
Terry Judith : Journal of a West India proprietor : kept during a residence in the island of Jamaica / edited with an introduction and notes by Judith Terry.