Thomas Michael J K : Ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy : analytical chemistry by open learning / author, Michael J.K. Thomas ; editor, David J. Ando.
Thomas Of Woodstock : The first part of the reign of King Richard the second, or, Thomas of Woodstock.
Thomas Oldfield : Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotremata.
Thomas Oliver 1598 1653 : Car-wr y cymru, yn annog ei genedi anwyl, a'i gydwald·wyr er mwyn Crist ai henediau i chwilio, yr Scrythyrau, yr olgorchymyn Crist.Ioh.5.29 : Y·rhai, yr awr'hon yn ddiweddar âbrintiwyd onewydd yn Gymraec; ac a geir ar werth yn Ilyfran cynnwys, a bychain eir maintioli a'i pris, drwy fawr ddiwydrwydd, at̀hraulswrn o wyr Duwyol, enwog ac ewyllys-gar i wneuthur datoni i'r Cymru.
Thomas Owen : Transformational grammar and the teacher of English.
Thomas P : Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish : the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., 2-8 July 1995 / edited by F. W. Goetz and P. Thomas.
Thomas P Felex : Pierre Leroux : sa vie, son oeuvre sa doctrine : contribution a l'histoire des idees au xixe siecle.
Thomas P S : Industrial relations : a short study of the relations between employers and employed in Swansea and neighbourhood, from about 1800 to recent times.
Thomas P Whitney Collection : Images of Aleksei Remizov : drawings and handwritten and illustrated albums from the Thomas P. Whitney Collection : [exhibition catalogue] / essay and catalogue by G.N. Slobin.