Turner Thomas 1591 1672 : A sermon preached before the King at VVhite-Hall, the tenth of March. By Doctor Turner, one of his Maiesties chaplaines. Published by his Maiesties command
Turner Thomas Advocate Of Reform : The out-cries of the poor, oppressed, & imprisoned; or A safe way to free the poor of this city and the whole nation of England, from begging and starving. : Presented to the Council of Officers, Nov. 24. by William Pryor, and Thomas Turner. To which is annexed, A plea for the poor and helpless, against the enemies of their peace. / By William Pryor.
Turner Thomas B : Alcohol and highway safety : proceedings of the North American Conference on Alcohol and Highway Safety held at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, 12-14 June, 1984.
Turner W 17th Century : The common cries of London town, some go up street, some go down : with Turner's dish of stuff, or a gallymausery : to the tune of, Watton towns end.
Turner William Active 1696 1709 : Bibliotheca annua, or, The annual catalogue for the year, 1699 : being an exact catalogue of all English and Latin books, printed in England from January, 169⁸/₉, to March 25. 1700. To which is added the titles of French books imported within the said time, as also most of the prizes that they are generally sold for. Being a more perfect account than has hitherto been designed. / Published for the benefit of the learned, and advantage of others, by A. Roper and W. Turner.
Turner William Dean Of Wells D 1568 : Libellus de re herbaria, 1538 and The names of herbes, 1548 facsimiles / with introductory matter by J.Britten, B.D.Jackson & W.T.Stearn.
Turner William Sir Active 1668 1669 : Jovis 25 die Februarii 1668 annoque Regis Caroli Secundi Angl. &c. vicesimo primo : this day Sir Samuel Starling and Sir Joseph Sheldon knights and aldermen, formerly appointed to consider the petition of divers poor women in, and about this city ... selling of fish, for liberty to continue their imployments, free from trouble and prosecution, &c., did deliver to this court a report in writing under their hands, how they find the same, and their opinions, the tenor whereof is as followeth ...