Tussie Diana : Globalization, regionalization and new dilemmas in trade policy for development : Manuel R. Agosin and Diana Tussie.
Tussing Arlon R : Fisheries of the Indian Ocean : issues of international management and law of the sea / by A.R. Tussing and R.A. Hiebert with J.G.Sutinen.
Tussing Ruth Elaine : French XX bibliography : critical and biographical references for the study of French literature / edited by R.E.Tussing.
Tustin John : Tustins observations, or Conscience embleme : the watch of God, similized by the wakefull dog. / By me John Tustin, who hath beene plundered and spoyled by the Patentees for white and gray Soape eighteene severall times to his utter undoing.
Tusting Karin 1973 : Models of adult learning : a literature review / Karin Tusting and David Barton.
Tutchin Robert : An elogy upon the much lamented death of Mr Luke Fawne, junior, who dyed the sixth of January, 1650. : being ten years, six moneths, and four days old.
Tute J S : A guide to Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal.