United Nations Special European Social Welfare Programme : European Seminar on Inter-Country Adoption, Leysin, Switzerland, 22-31 May 1960 / organized by the Technical Assistance Office of the United Nations (Geneva) and the Swiss Federal Office of Industry, Arts and Crafts and Labour with the cooperation of the International Social Service and the International Union for Child Welfare.
United Nations Technical Assistance Administration European Office : European Seminar on Training of Personnel for Children's Institutions held at Baarn(Hilversum), Netherlands, 16-27 September 1956 / organized by the European Office of the Technical Assistance Administration of the United Nations.
United Planters Association Of Southern India : Detailed reports of the Forty-Fourth Annual General Meeting of the Association and the First Annual General Meeting of the Tea, Coffee and Rubber product sections held in July and August, 1937 : with appendices.
United Provinces Of The Netherlands Staten General : A memorial delivered to His Majesty (July 21/31 1664.) : From the Lord Van-Gohg, Ambassador from the States General of the United Provinces. / Translated into English. With the answer which His sacred Majesty returned thereunto.
United Provinces Staten General : The beginning, progresse, and increase of the sect of the remonstrants and Arminian faction, in the Vnited Provinces of the Low-Countries. : Together with the meanes used by the power and authority of the civill magistrate for the suppressing thereof, and the happy successe which it had by their endeavours. Whereunto are annexed the severall edicts and proclamations (for that end and purpose) set forth by the Estates General there forbidding them under the penalties of pecuniarie mulcts, imprisonment and banishment, all meetings and conventicles, for preaching, administring of sacraments, &c. to bee inflicted on the offendors, both ministers and others, according to the severall natures and degrees of their offences.