Volusenus Florentius 1504 1546 Or 7 : Florentii Voluzeni Scholia seu com[m]entariorum epitome in Scipionis somnium : ad egregium Gregorium Crumvvellum.
Volusianus Bishop Of Carthage Active 9th Century : Epistolæ duæ D.Volusiani Episcopi Carthaginensis, ad Nicholaum Papam primum, de Celibatu Cleri. Inquisitio discipuli et solutio magistri de eade[m] causa, nuper reperta inter manu scriptos libros anselmi olim Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi. Decretum Synodi Anglicanæ in co[n]cilio Wintoniensi, cui præsidebat Lanfrancus olim Cantuariensis Archiepiscopus. Epistola Girardi Archiepiscopi Ebor. ad Anselmum Ca[n]tuariensem, & eiusden responsio ad eundem. Testimonium quoddam Athanasij Alexandr. archiepiscopi in epistola ad Dracontium
Volz Bridget Dealy : Junior genreflecting : a guide to good reads and series fiction for children / Bridget Dealy Volz, Lynda Blackburn Welborn, and Cheryl Perkins Scheer.
Volz G B : Die Werke / herausgegeben von G.B. Volz.
Volz Hans : Bible. Daniel. German (Middle High German).
Volz Norbert : Meinungen und Einstellungen zur deutschen Sprache : Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Repräsentativerhebung / Gerhard Stickel, Norbert Volz.
Vom Hofe Gerhart : Das Elend des Polyphem : zur Thema der Subjektivitat bei Thomas Bernhard, Peter Handke, Wolfgang Koeppen und Botho Strauss / G. von Hofe, P. Pfaff.
Von Abelle Rudolph : The death of the artist : a study of Hawthorne's disintegration.
Von Bismarck Gottfried : From kombinat to private enterprise : two case studies in East German privatization / R. Bischof, G. Von Bismarck and W. Carlin.
Von Bitter Peter A : Revision of conodont biofacies nomenclature and interpretations of environmental controls Pennsylvanian rocks of eastern and central North America / by G.K. Merrill and P.H. von Bitter.
Von Braun Joachim 1950 : Famine in Africa : causes, responses, and prevention / Joachim von Braun, Tesfaye Teklu, and Patrick Webb.
Von Cieminski Gregor : Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Digital Transformation and Innovation of Production Management Systems [electronic resource] / IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2020, Novi Sad, Serbia, August 30 - September 3, 2020, Proceedings, Part I / edited by Bojan Lalic, Vidosav Majstorovic, Ugljesa Marjanovic, Gregor von Cieminski, David Romero.
Von Dadelsen Georg : Fantasien praludien und fugen / G, von Dadelsn, K. Ronnau.