Walker Ralph Preacher Of The Word : A learned and profitable treatise of Gods prouidence : Written for the instruction and comfort of the godly: for the winning and conuersion of sinners: and for a terror to the obstinate and prophane: diuided into sixe parts. By Ralph Walker preacher of the Word.
Walker Richard 1951 : Body / editorial consultant, Robert Winston ; written by Richard Walker.
Walker Richard A : Sociocultural theories of learning and motivation : looking back, looking forward / edited by Dennis M. McInerney, Richard A. Walker & Gregory Arief D. Liem.
Walker Richard Louis : China and the west : cultural collision; selected documents.
Walker Richard M : The new managerialism and public service professions : change in health, social services and housing / Ian Kirkpatrick, Stephen Ackroyd and Richard Walker.
Walker Rolf : Die Heilsgeschichte im ersten Evangelium.
Walker Roma : The influence of penal reform pressure groups on penal policy and practice 1980-2000.
Walker Ronald G : The cunning craft : original essays on detective fiction and contemporary literary theory / edited by Ronald G. Walker and June M. Frazer ; with an afterword by David R. Anderson.