Wallis James : Commemorative spaces of the First World War : historical geographies at the centenary / edited by James Wallis, David Harvey.
Wallis James R : Mathematical models for surface water hydrology. / edited by T.A. Ciriani U. Maione and J.R. Wallis.
Wallis Joe : The political economy of the voluntary sector : a reappraisal of the comparative institutional advantage of voluntary organisations / Brian E. Dollery and Joe L. Wallis.
Wallis N Hardy : Bible. New Testament. English. Tyndale. 1534.
Wallis Nevile : A Victorian canvas, the memoirs of W.P. Frith / edited by by Nevile Wallis.
Wallis Pat : Directory of voluntary and community organisations in Hull : including self help groups and information about local statutory bodies / compiled by R. Brown, P. Wallis and M. Phillips.
Wallis Patricia : Developing inquiry for learning : reflecting collaborative ways to learn how to learn in higher education / Peter Ovens ; with, Frances Wells, Patricia Wallis and Cyndy Hawkins.
Wallis Richard 1643 : London's armory accuratly delineated in a graphical display of all the arms crests supportes mantles & mottos of every distinct company and corporate societie in the honourable city of London : as they truly bear them faithfully collected from their severall patents which have been approved and confirmed by divers kings at arms in their visitations a work never till now exactly perfected or truly published by any and with rectisy many essentiall mistakes and manifest absurdities committed in painting & carving.
Wallis Rob : Everything is timekeeping [videorecording]. I & II / Peter Erskine ; produced by Rob Wallis and Paul Siegal ; directed by Glenn Mangel.
Wallis Robert 1686 : A catalogue of the library of ... Mr. Robert Wallis ... : consisting of variety of scarce and valuable Latin and English books in most sorts of learning, which will be sold by auction, on Monday the 2d of April, 1688 ...