Warmelo N J Van : Some Zulu concepts important for an understanding of fertility and other rituals.
Warmenhoven Robert : Higher education in the Netherlands / J. Stannard, R. Warmenhoven.
Warmerdam Martin : Ethics [videorecording] : what is right? / directed by Pablo García.
Warmholtz Carl Gustav : Biblioteca historica sueo-gothica, eller fortekning uppa sa val trykte, som handskrifne bocker, tractater och skrifter, hvilka handla om svenska historien, eller darutinnan kunna gifva ljus.
Warmington W A : Studies in industrialization : Nigeria and the Cameroons.
Warmington William 1555 Or 6 : A moderate defence of the Oath of Allegiance : vvherein the author proueth the said Oath to be most lawful, notwithstanding the Popes breues prohibiting the same; and solueth the chiefest obiections that are vsually made against it; perswading the Catholickes not to resist souerainge authoritie in refusing it. Together with the oration of Sixtus 5. in the Consistory at Rome, vpon the murther of Henrie 3. the French King by a friar. Whereunto also is annexed strange reports or newes from Rome. By William Warmington Catholicke priest, and oblate of the holy congregation of S. Ambrose.
Warn Richard M : The cytoskeleton : cell function and organization : proceedings of the British Society for Cell Biology - The Company of Biologists Limited Symposium, Norwich, April 1986 / organized and edited by C. Lloyd, J. Hyams and R. Warn.
Warner Amos Griswold : American charities : a study in philanthropy and economics.
Warner Andrew M : The European competitiveness and transition report 2001-2002 : ratings of accession progress, competitiveness, and economic restructuring of European and transition economies / editor, Andrew M. Warner ; project coordinator, Peter K. Cornelius.
Warner Ann : The home/school/community liaison scheme : partnership to combat disadvantage.