Warry Augustin : The proposal of Augustin Warry of Burcester, in the county of Oxon tobacconist, for promoting an increase of His Majesty's customs on tobacco, : humbly offere'd to the consideration of the high court of Parliament.
Warry John 1916 : Warfare in the classical world : war and the ancient civilisations of Greece and Rome.
Warry John Gibson : Greek aesthetic theory : a study of callistic and aesthetic concepts in the works of Plato and Aristotle.
Warshawsky David : Molecular carcinogenesis and the molecular biology of human cancer / edited by David Warshawsky, Joseph R. Landolph.
Warshawsky Howard 1947 : From confrontation to cooperation : the influence of domestic forces on Indonesian foreign policy.
Warshofsky Fred : Sound and hearing / by S.S. Stevens, Fred Warshofsky and the editors of Time-Life Books ; consulting editors ReneĢ Dubos, Henry Margenau, C.P. Snow.
Warshow H T : Representative industries in the United States.
Warszta Tim : Equivalence of proctored computer-based and unproctored web-based testing in comparison to paper-pencil testing.
Wart Sarah Van : Popular Culture and the Civic Imagination : Case Studies of Creative Social Change / ed. by Henry Jenkins, Sangita Shresthova, Gabriel Peters-Lazaro.
Warter John : Directions to young clerks in the court of Kings Bench : for making the process of the said court retornable, both at days certain and ubicunque; with other directions in order thereunto. By John Warter, Sen. gent. Deceased.
Warters Jane : Group guidance : principles and practices.
Warters Nathanael : A learned speech spoken to His Excellency the Earl of Essex, upon his departure from Northampton to Worcester, concerning the present expedition. / By that learned and religious divine, and minister of Gods word, M. Thomas Springham. Also a true relation of the present proceedings of his Excellency and his army in their march from Northampton to Worcester, to meet with the Kings Majesty.
Wartewig S : Physics of polymer networks / guest editors, S. Wartewig and G. Helmis (Merseburg).
Warth Eva Maria : Remote control : television, audiences, and cultural power / edited by Ellen Seiter, Hans Borchers, Gabriele Kreutzner, Eva-Maria Warth.
Wartha Christian : Energy efficiency in waste-to-energy and its relevance with regard to climate control / by Arne M. Ragossnig, Christian Wartha and Andreas Kirchner.
Warton Anthony : Chonoyterion he Sion. The refinement of Zion: or, The old orthodox Protestant doctrine justified, : and defended against several exceptions of the Antinomians, methodically digested into questions, wherein many weighty and important cases of conscience are handled, concerning the nature of faith and repentance, or conversion to God: of his eternal love, and beholding of sin in his dearest children: of justification from eternity, of of [sic] preparations to the acceptance of Christ, of prayer for pardon of sin, and turning to God: of the gospel covenant, aud [sic] tenders of salvation, on the termes of faith and repentance. For the establishment of the scrupulous, conviction of the erroneous, and consolation of distressed consciences. / By Anthony Warton, minister of the word at Breamore in Hampshire.
Warton Michael : Michael Warton of North Bar House, Beverley : an inventory of his possessions, with some other inventories from the area of Beverley and Hull / produced by Beverley Local History class, 1982-85; edited by E. Hall.