Wells J R John R : Dialling : plain, concave, convex, projective, reflective, refractive : shewing how to make all such dials and to adorn them with all useful furniture relating to the course of the sun : performed arithmetically, geometrically, instrumentally and mechanically : and illustrated with sculptures engraven in copper : comprised in XIV distinct tractates, the contents whereof follow next after the preface to the reader / collected, methodifed, and published by William Leybourn.
Wells Jack : Essential skills for historians : a practical guide to researching the past / J. Laurence Hare, Jack Wells, and Bruce E. Baker.
Wells John 1915 : The Royal Navy : an illustrated social history, 1870-1982 / John Wells; with a foreword by Admiral of the Fleet the Lord Lewin of Greenwich.
Wells John Active 1675 : Academy. By the Kings priviledge. The most curious and profitable engine that ever was invented, is that which the Kings Majesty hath given leave to John Wells to establish thorowout all England : by vertue of his letters patents sealed with the Great Seal of England, forbidding all other persons to undertake, make, or imitate the same, under the penalty specified in the said letters patents, without the power and leave of the aforesaid John Wells. By the means of the foresaid machine, composed of artificial horses, ...
Wells John Baptist Preacher : A brief reply to that part of Spira's despair reviv'd : in which the Baptists in general are concerned, but more especially those at Ashford in Kent. Wherein the unjust charge of Mr. Thomas James against them, is removed. Written by a Baptist preacher, who is a lover of truth.
Wells John Edwin : A manual of the writings in Middle English, 1050-1400.
Wells John M Sc : The smear campaign : variations in response to invitations for cervical cancer screening.
Wells Mary Active 1684 : A divine poem written by Mary Wells, who recommends it as a fit token for all young men and maids, instead of profane songs and ballads
Wells Maryann M Papanier : Patient care during operative and invasive procedures / [edited by] Mark L. Phippen, Maryann Papanier Wells.
Wells Maurice Kingsley : Petrology of the igneous rocks / ... F.H. Hatch, A.K. Wells and M.K. Wells.