Wharton George 1617 1681 : The starry messenger; or an interpretation of that strange apparition of three suns seene in London, 19. Novemb. 1644. being the birth day of King Charles. : The effects of the eclips of the sun, which will be visible in England, 11. August 1645. whose influence continues in force, from January, 1646 to Decemb. 1647. almost two whole yeares; and cannot but be the fore-runner of some extraordinary mutation in most common-wealths of Europe, but principally in England. With an answer to An astrologicall judgement. Printed at Oxford, upon his Majesties present martch. / By William Lilly student in astrologie.
Wharton George Active 1653 : Mercurius anglicus: or, England's Merlin. Prophetically fore-telling, the admirable events, and wonderful effects, that shall befall the King of Scots, the states of Holland, and the Parliament of England : in all their consultations, warlike actions, and naval designes, both by sea and land, for the year of our Lord, 1653. With the most exact predictions, and monthly observations, touching the great rising of the European nations against England; and the success that will attend them in all their motions, enterprises, and attempts; as also, the causes of these strange re[v]olutions, mutations, inclinations, and eversions of empires, kingdoms, and common-wealths. Likewise, the astromical calculations of the eclipses, lunations, and conjunctions; portending a great change of government, religion, and law, in England, Scotland, and Ireland; together with the taking off all taxes, assesments, burdens, and oppressions; and calling to a severe account all committees and treasurers; with the executing of many great ones. Collected out of the most elaborate works of Captain George Wharton, Esquire, Mr. William Eill[ ]e, Mr. John Booker, Mr. Vincent Wing, and Mr. Nicholas Culpeper, students in as
Wharton H M Henry Marvin 1848 1928 : War songs and poems of the Southern confederacy 1861-1865 : a collection of the most popular and impressive songs and poems of war times, dear to every Southern heart / edited by H. M. Wharton.
Wharton Janet : Women and the Wende : social effects and cultural reflections of the German unification process : proceedings of a conference held by Women in German Studies 9-11 September 1993 at the University of Nottingham / edited by Elizabeth Boa and Janet Wharton.
Wharton Leonard C Leonard Cyril : The journal of William Lockerby, sandalwood trader in the Fijian Islands during the years 1808-1809 : with an introduction & other papers connected with the earliest European visitors to the Islands / edited by Sir Everard Im Thurn and Leonard C. Wharton.
Wharton Richard 1689 : Advertisement : For as much as by His Majesty's gracious care, his immediate government is now settled, and such regulations like to be speedily made in the Narraganset Countrey or Kings-Province ... and the proprietors being desireous speedily to encourage the regular settlement of a town ... / Richard Wharton, Elisha Hutchinson, John Saffin, at Boston. Dated in Boston, June 9th. 1686.
Wharton Robert Active 1649 : A declaration to Great Britain and Ireland, shewing the downfall of their princes, and wherefore it is come upon them: : because Christ is riding on his white horse, conquering his enemies till he have destroyed Antichrist, who hath made the nations drunk with the cup of her fornications: and till he have destroyed Mahomet, that great deceiver of the people. / Written and directed to Great Britain, and all other nations; by me Robert Wharton, wel-wisher to my countrymen, and to all the faithfull in Christ Jesus throughout the world. With an humble advice to the Army. This treatise is approved and commended, and thought worthy to be printed, by Master Hugh Peters.
Wharton William Esq : Sir Joseph Tily Knt. and Dame Deborah his wife, relict and administratrix, with the will annex'd of Sir John Roberts Baronet deceased, appellants. : William Wharton Esq; and Eunice his wife, respondents. The appellants case.
What Works Working Group : Case studies in global health : millions saved / Ruth Levine ; and the What Works Working Group.
Whateley William 1585 1639 : Bibliotheca Whateliana: sive Catalogus variorum librorum bibliothecæ selectissimæ Rev. viri D. Whateley juxta Banbury in comitatu Oxoniensi : Cui accessit bibliotheca medica Simonis Rutland M.D. nuperrime de Brentwood in Essexiâ, cum plurimis libris medicis antiquis, præcipuéque modernis, (in gratiam medicorum) refertissima. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini, Ædibus Johan. Bridge, vulgo dicto Bridges Coffeehouse in Popes-Head-Alley over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhill 23 April 1683. Per Edvardum Millingtonum bibliopolam. Catalogues are distributed gratis, at the above named Bridges-Coffeehouse, at Amsterdam-Coffeehouse in Bartholomew-Lane: Mr. Colliers at the Bible on London-Bridge, Mr. Wilkinson at the Black-boy in Fleetstreet, Mr. Mortlockes at the Phœnix in St. Pauls Church yard booksellers: Mr. Cruttenden at the Theatre in Oxford, Mr. Hickes in Cambridge, 1683.
Whately E Jane : Life and correspondence of Richard Whately, D.D., late Archbishop of Dublin ...